Practical methods to use in everyday life
What is Kadampa Buddhism?
Here you can learn about the history and lineage of Kadampa Buddhism – a Mahayana Buddhist school founded by the great Indian Buddhist Master Atisha (AD 982-1054). “Ka” refers to Buddha’s teachings, and “dam” to Atisha’s special, structured presentation of Buddha’s advice. “Pa” means person. By integrating their studies into their everday lives, Kadampas use Buddha’s teachings as practical methods for transforming their daily activities into the path to liberation and enlightenment.

An unbroken connection from Buddha to the present day
The Kadampa Tradition and Lineage
The Kadampa Tradition was principally formed by Buddha Shaykamuni, Atisha and Je Tsongkhapa. The teachings given at the Centre are connected in an unbroken lineage that goes back to Buddha Shakyamuni.

Buddha Shakyamuni


Je Tsongkhapa
The Founder
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche is a fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism. From the age of eight, Geshe-la studied extensively in the great monastic universities of Tibet and earned the title ‘Geshe’, meaning ‘spiritual friend’. Under the guidance of his Spiritual Guide, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, he spent the next 18 years in meditation retreats in the Himalayas. In 1977 he accepted an invitation to teach at Manjushri KMC in England, where he lived and taught until 2009, giving teachings and guidance to an ever-growing group of disciples. Having formally retired as General Spiritual Director, Geshe Kelsang, now in his nineties, continues to work tirelessly to spread Kadampa Buddhism throughout the world. He has published a series of 23 books on Buddhism and meditation, established 1400 centers and groups around the world, trained hundreds of qualified Kadampa Teachers and created a project to build Buddhist Temples in every major city in the world.

General Spiritual Director
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong
Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong is the General Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU and the Resident Teacher at Manjushri KMC, the Mother Center of Kadampa Buddhism. Gen-la Dekyong has studied and practiced Kadampa Buddhism for many years under the guidance of her Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. She is a perfect example of a Kadampa Teacher and her humour and kindness exemplify the essence of the Buddhist way of life. Each year, Gen-la Dekyong teaches at the International Festivals, National Festivals, and Dharma Celebrations throughout the world where she inspires thousands of disciples with her pure example and wisdom.
Inspiration to develop
Various Buddhas help us in various ways
The Buddha we are probably most familiar with is Buddha Shakyamuni, but there are actually countless Buddhas. Buddhas are teachers and role models who help us develop our inner qualities. Different Buddhas help us develop different aspects of our self. Every detail of a Buddha’s image has a meaning.

Buddha Shakyamuni
Founder of Buddhism

Buddha Manjushri
Wisdom Buddha

Buddha Avalokiteshvara
Compassion Buddha

Buddha Green Tara
Great Liberator

Buddha Vajrasattva
Purification Buddha

Medicine Buddha
Medicine Buddha

Je Tsongkhapa
Wisdom Buddha

Dorje Shugden
Wisdom Buddha
Keep in touch
There is a wealth of wisdom about Buddhism available through our Centre, its community and the wider Kadampa community. Join our mailing list so you can tap into whatever seems of interest when it happens.