Learn to meditate - Kadampa Meditation Centre CPH
Meditation Class
Learn to meditate
23 Mar kl 10:30 - 11:45

This class is perfect for beginners and those wishing to start a daily meditation practice. You will learn the essential foundations of meditation and gain meditation experience. By training in meditation we can reduce stress and anxiety and learn to keep a peaceful mind and kind heart.

Lidet will teach this class. Every session includes an inspiring talk and two peaceful guided meditations.

Lidet has studied and practiced Kadampa Buddhism for over 10 years. In this class, she is looking forward to meaningful conversations about meditation and its many benefits to our everyday lives.

Book your ticket​

23 Mar kl 10:30 – 11:45
Book class, 77.00 - 110.00 DKK
About the teacher

Lidet has been studying Kadampa Buddhism for over 10 years. The meditation training has given her a lot of inspiration and benefit in her daily life. She is a student on the Foundation Program and volunteers at the centre as a teacher.

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