Compassionate prayers for those who have died (Powa) - Kadampa Meditation Centre CPH
Puja - Chanted Meditation
Compassionate prayers for those who have died (Powa)
07 Jun kl 18:00 - 19:00

The Centre organises and engages in the traditional Buddhist practice of “Powa” or transference of consciousness once a month.

Through this we can help those who have recently died experience peace of mind after death and be cared for by the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara.

Food and flower offerings (tending toward white) are welcome and the practice lasts about an hour. To request a dedication for someone who has recently died and arrange a date, please contact us.

About the teacher

The Compassion Buddha, the embodiment of the universal compassion of all enlightened beings. By relying upon Avalokiteshvara we naturally increase our own compassion.

Keep in touch

We offer a number of different types of classes for all levels of interest. By joining our mailing list, you will get to know in advance what’s coming up during the next month. Its all aimed at helping you develop self insight.

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