Foundation Program - "The Joyful Path of Good Fortune" - Kadampa Meditation Centre CPH
Study Group
Foundation Program – “The Joyful Path of Good Fortune”
21 Aug kl 18:00 - 20:30

What is Foundation Program Study Group?

Our Centre offers a weekly on-going study program, with a consistent group of people, for those who want to learn how to practise the Buddhist path to enlightenment in a structured and systematic way.   Our Study Group meets for teaching, meditation and discussion every Wednesday from 18.00 to 20.00.

What does Foundation Program provide?

The Foundation Program provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding and experience of Buddhism through a systematic study of six texts. People who wish to have a more structured approach to studying Buddhist meditation usually join our Study Group having had some experience of General Program classes. At the moment we are studying the book “Joyful Path of Good Fortune” by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

The benefits of being on Foundation Program

The main benefit of joining the study program is that it helps you to deepen your understanding of Buddhism and how to apply it to your daily life.   In depth discussions with a consistent group of like-minded people gives more perspective on understanding Dharma and developing your mind.   This approach supports you in a gentle but profound self-transformation process that and helps you guide yourself to become the person you want to be.  More information about the Study Group is available here.

How can I try Foundation Program for myself?

Generally people join the Foundation Program after having attended our General Program classes for a while.  There is an enrolment process and you can join the Study Program for an initial month to see if you would like to join on an on-going basis.  When joining the Study Program you automatically become a Centre Supporter and receive the a Centre Card which gives you free access to all the regular classes and workshops at the Centre.  It is possible to join the Study Program any time of year, from the start of the following month.

To find out more about the Study Program, please contact us here.

About the teacher

The Resident Teacher at the Centre is Kadam Tim Larcombe, who studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for nearly 20 years. Kadam Tim continues to study extensively. He has lived with his Danish wife and son in Copenhagen for over 20 years, and earns his living as a strategy consultant.

Keep in touch

We offer a number of different types of classes for all levels of interest. By joining our mailing list, you will get to know in advance what’s coming up during the next month. Its all aimed at helping you develop self insight.

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