Patient acceptance is a powerful mind; When we gain patience, we gain the ability to remain peaceful, flexible, and clear-headed, no matter what the circumstances. In other words, we become as stable and strong as a mountain.
When a mountain is struck by a thunderstorm, it remains unmoved. In the same way, regardless of what “storms” arise in our daily life, our patience protects our peace of mind. When we lack patience, we are like the pine trees lining the mountain — we are easily disturbed by the challenges we face.
In this half-day workshop, through contemplation and guided meditations, we will come to experience the healing qualities of this special mind, and learn how to apply it practically in our daily life.
“In reality, most of our emotional problems are nothing more than a failure to accept things as they are – in which case it is patient acceptance, rather than attempting to change externals, that is the solution.” – Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Solve Our Human Problems
About this workshop
Everyone is welcome to join our Saturday workshops. No previous experience of meditation is needed, nor is any special clothing required. Most people sit on chairs, though meditation cushions are provided for those that wish to use them.
The workshops are presented in easy-to-understand English and are attended by people with a great variety of backgrounds and cultures.
As the workshop takes place in a buddhist meditation centre, it will start with a short buddhist prayer. Each workshop consists of two teaching sessions with meditations, and vegan and gluten free lunch is served between them.
For food allergies or questions about the workshop please send an email to [email protected].