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Here is selection of the 23 books written by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. They are available as hard copies, e-books and audio books. For the full selection of books, please see the Centre bookshop or visit www.tharpa.com. Two of the e-books are available as free downloads.

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A practical manual for daily life that shows how we can develop and maintain inner peace, how we can reduce and stop our experience of problems, and how we can bring about positive changes in our lives that will enable us to experience deep and lasting happiness.

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A scientific exploration of the causes and solutions to our daily problems and difficulties, using Buddha’s teachings to change our world by changing our mind.

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An explanation of twenty-one essential Buddhist meditations that guide us step-by-step towards enlightenment.

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Based on the famous Eight Verses of Training the Mind by the great Bodhisattva, Langri Tangpa, this inspiring book reveals essential methods for transforming all life's difficulties into valuable spiritual insights and for developing universal love and compassion, the source of true happiness for both self and others.

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Modern Buddhism is perfectly suited for inspiring those seeking solutions within Buddhism to problems of everyday life, as well as for encouraging practitioners of all faiths to deepen their understanding and practice of the spiritual path.

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A clear and inspiring explanation of key Buddhist principles.

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This book offers us deep insight into our mind, and shows how an understanding of its nature and functions can be used practically in every day experience to improve our lives.

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A clear and comprehensive explanation of the entire path to enlightenment.