Little Buddhas - Kadampa Meditation Centre CPH
Kids Workshop
Little Buddhas
27 Nov kl 13:00 - 14:30

På dansk

“Little Buddhas” er et ugentligt kursus for børn i alderen 5 til 10 år. Formålet med kurset er, at præsentere buddhistiske tanker om godhed, tålmodighed og kærlighed på en sjov og kreativ måde. Hver time indeholder enkle guidede meditationer, historier, diskussioner, spil og kreative opgaver der matcher dagens tema. Målet med kurset er at udvikle barnets evne til at tænke positivt og, med tiden, teknikker til at fokusere og slappe af.

Kurset er for alle, og dig og dit barn kan deltage en enkelt gang eller på hele kurset. Man behøver ikke have nogen viden om eller erfaring med buddhisme eller meditation for at deltage. Prisen er 85 kr. pr  barn pr undervisningsgang (gratis for forældre). Det er også muligt at købe rabat klippekort til 4 eller 8 gange. Undervisningen foregår på en god blanding af dansk og engelsk, så alle børn er velkomne, uanset hvad deres modersmål er.

In English

“Little Buddhas” is a weekly course for kids around 5 -10 years of age. It is intended to present Buddhist themes of kindness, patience, and love in a fun and creative way. The classes incorporate simple guided meditations, storytelling, discussions, games and crafts to match the day’s lesson. These lessons of Buddhist teachings and meditations will further nurture children’s positive mind, and, over time, provide them with techniques to be more focused and relaxed.

The classes are open to everyone and your child can join an individual class or the whole course. No previous experience in Buddhism or meditation is needed. Each class costs 85kr per child (parents are free!) and “Clip Cards” are available for four or eight classes that reduce the effective price per class. The classes are presented in a mixture of Danish and English, so all children are welcome, no matter what their main language is.

Book your ticket​

27 Nov kl 13:00 – 14:30

Book ticket, Clip Card or “drop-in”?
You can book a ticket now for this class, or buy a Clip Card to use at several classes. Alternatively you can just “drop-in” to this class. To book a ticket for this class now, follow the pink button. To buy a Clip Card, follow this link. If you “drop-in” to the class you can pay with cash or MobilePay when you arrive.

Book class, 85 DKK
About the teacher

Lidet has been studying at KMC Copenhagen for 6 years and also occasionally teaches our children's classes. Lidet lives with her husband and two children in Copenhagen.

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